
Trigger fish bite while diving

I received bad news from Z today, who told me that B had been attacked by a trigger fish while out diving in Mabul.

Apparently, he was wearing shorts, so that made it worse I guess. Z sent over a photo of B's swollen leg, which is pretty shocking.

Here it is:

trigger fish attack bite
Get well soon, Mr B!!!

I cringed at the sight of the gaping hole in his leg, which Z says has gotten worse over the past few days. Hopefully B will make a full and speedy recovery! He's been to the doctor, who said that he will be fine, so that's not too bad, I guess.

Anyway, I'm still looking forward to my own trip to Mabul - I'll just be extra careful :)

Today, I got another step closer to obtaining my diving license as we completed yet another theory session. I must say that I think I'm getting the hang of it. The calculations look complex but are not too difficult afterall.

Next week we'll have our first pool session! Can't wait!! More pictures then!