
Merry Christmas

Merry Xmas and Seasons's Greetings everyone!

I'll just leave this here, one of my favourite Christmas songs, really get you in the festive mood :)

How I wish I was some place where it's snowing really heavily!

Loved my first open water dive

Our first open water dive was amazing!!! Now I know what it feels like to be a fish :)

Well, it was slightly scary at first, going down the dark, unfamiliar mass of water but once we reached the seabed, it felt as though everyone regained their composure and started feeling more comfortable.

We practiced several skills that we had been doing during our pool dives, including clearing our masks of water, removing and replacing our BCDs, recovering our regulators and hand signals (my favourite).

We have 3 more open water dives to complete. Thereafter, we each have to sit for a multiple choice question test and upon passing, would finally be qualified open water divers. How exciting!

Here's a pic from our first open water session (I can't remember who took the photo but the camera belongs to Susan):

Sorry for the weird cropping :)
I really need to start looking at underwater casings for my GoPro. No dive would be worth it without that little device :)

First open water dive

Seems like just yesterday that I experienced my first breath underwater during our first pool dive but guess what, we've completed all 4 of the required pool dives already and we'll be having our first open water dive in the sea this week!

I'm a little nervous but apparently Timothy, our instructor has told us that we all seem to be doing fine (except maybe for Jane).

From what I understand, your first sea dive will make or break you. You'll either love or hate it from then onwards. I'm certainly hoping its the former for me.

Taking the part-time certification hasn't been easy as I've had to juggle between studying for the test and refreshing my memory regarding all the skills I've learnt (still got to brush up on clearing my flooded mask) as well as my day job.

However, this has allowed me to be one step closer to my dream...visiting Mabul and Sipadan!

 If everything goes according to plan, I should be able to realize my dream in February 2016, when everything at work should have been settled and I should have obtained my licence.

Oh well, can't wait!!! Bring it on, sea!

Ending my post with this meme/pic, enjoy!

This made me LOL like a retard in the office

Had my first pool dive today!


The clownfish is certainly one of my favourite fishes ever, as I'm sure is the same for many who have watched the Disney classic, Finding Nemo.

I had my first pool dive today (hence the fish video), after what seemed like an eternity of theory classes!

Unfortunately, I'm too tired to write a full post on how it turned out. But if I were to describe the day in one word, it would be: A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

That's right, I had my first breath underwater and boy were my friends right...I don't think I'll ever forget that first breath...It felt like magic.

For now, I need some rest but I'll write more soon!

Trigger fish bite while diving

I received bad news from Z today, who told me that B had been attacked by a trigger fish while out diving in Mabul.

Apparently, he was wearing shorts, so that made it worse I guess. Z sent over a photo of B's swollen leg, which is pretty shocking.

Here it is:

trigger fish attack bite
Get well soon, Mr B!!!

I cringed at the sight of the gaping hole in his leg, which Z says has gotten worse over the past few days. Hopefully B will make a full and speedy recovery! He's been to the doctor, who said that he will be fine, so that's not too bad, I guess.

Anyway, I'm still looking forward to my own trip to Mabul - I'll just be extra careful :)

Today, I got another step closer to obtaining my diving license as we completed yet another theory session. I must say that I think I'm getting the hang of it. The calculations look complex but are not too difficult afterall.

Next week we'll have our first pool session! Can't wait!! More pictures then!

Z & B in Sabah, ugh!

So, I've just gotten off the phone with Z & B, who have just left Kota Kinabalu and are now on their way to Semporna, a small town near the southeastern coast of Sabah, North Borneo. Can't believe they're there right now!

They are headed to Mabul and Sipadan, my dream destinations! I'm not sure if they'll be putting up the night in Semporna or heading directly to Mabul, but whatever it is, I wish I was there :(

As to why Mabul and Sipadan are my dream destinations, let me fill you in with a little story of mine. One of my earliest memories dates back to when I was about 9 years old. At the time, our family was staying in Brunei, so Sabah and Sarawak were nearby. Dad was stationed in Sabah and frequently made trips to the islands off Semporna's coast, especially Mabul.

He would always bring back seashells and delicious purple seaweed. When I asked him where they came from, he'd show me photos of the place and each time my jaws would drop in awe at the sheer beauty of Mabul.

From then on, I decided that I had to visit the place one day and not just for a short holiday, but for at least 2 weeks to a month so that I may soak in the atmosphere and properly relax. Rushed holidays are certainly not for me.

Anyway, here's another update on my diving classes. Had my first theory session a couple of days ago and I've got to say that getting a diving license is not easy!

We watched some videos and answered some questions from the manual, some of which were pretty technical. Apparently, there are quite a lot of 'skills' to master such as clearing water off your mask if it gets flooded or finding your regulator if you accidentally knock it lose underwater.

I'm certainly looking forward to that... can't wait to take my first breath underwater... friends keep telling me that you never forget that experience!

Will update again when I hear from Z & B!

Noooo don't leave me!

Z & B are leaving to Sabah, Borneo tonight :(

Colin and I will be sending them off to the airport tonight. Well, at least we'll finally be having that paella + beer in Bangsar that they've owed us since like forever...Looking forward to it!

Okay, I've only got 17 more documents to finish proofreading and I'll be off to feast! Focus, Maya, focus!!!! GTG!

24 hours

Yes, that's how long more before Z & B leave for Sabah in Northern Borneo, Malaysia.

As to how long more it'll take before I can make the journey myself?

At least 3-4 months :(

Got to get my diving license sorted out first!

But at least, they can go first and update me on what I need to do/where I need to visit during my holiday.

I've given them a list of places to visit and things to do in Semporna, Tawau, Lahad Datu and Kota Kinabalu.

Knowing that they are into outdoor activities including camping, island hopping, diving, snorkeling and eco tourism, I looked for places I believed they would enjoy. Sabah (and Borneo in general) seems to be full of these kinds of places.

Am going to lend my GoPro to Z so that she can take some underwater photographs when going diving in Sipadan and Mabul. Hopefully I'll get it back in one piece :D

Words of advice

Just some words of advice from one of my favourite TV shows ever. Never fails to make me smile!

Tuesday Blues

Having a severe case of Tuesday blues right now, plus the gloomy weather isn't helping at all. It's been raining almost all afternoon and I'm stuck at my desk with piles and piles of documents to proof read, edit and send out.

Can't believe that Z & B are leaving for Sabah in a couple of days. So jealous! I would give anything to be able to join them.

But since I haven't gotten my diving license yet, I guess it's wiser to time will come *evil laugh.

Today Colin asked me a very good question: what are my top 3 dream jobs and holiday destinations? Come to think of it, I've never given these questions much thought before. I don't know why, maybe it's because I've been so busy for the past few years.

So here's my list (it was really fun compiling it):

Top 3 dream jobs (defined by Colin as something that you are unlikely to achieve, all things considered - that's why it's called a dream) :

1. Travel writer - Getting paid to travel? Definitely one of the best jobs anyone could hope for!
2. Stewardess - The uniforms, the airports, the whole experience is just lovely. Living out of suitcases, how exciting!
3. Socialite/Diva (hehe, no comment)

Guess what? Even I didn't realize that all 3 of my dream jobs have something in! Hmm...maybe it's a sign...time for me to change jobs?

As for my top 3 destinations (this was  really easy):

1. The Semporna Islands, especially Mabul & Sipadan (SOON! Once I get my diving licence)
2. Hawaii - this will probably be high in anyone's list.
3. Iceland - always found Iceland to be pretty fascinating. So isolated, so beautiful, so raw.

And what about you? Have you ever given these questions any thought?

Dum dee dum

Why hello!

Thanks to Zara, I've just taken my first steps into having my own little virtual space! How exciting.

It wasn't easy though... I had a tough time deciding between all the different platforms (?) i.e. Blogspot, WordPress, Livejournal, Tumblr etc.

But since I already have a g-mail account (doesn't everybody), Blogger/Blogspot seemed to be the most convenient choice.

It's pretty cool to have my own little abode on the Internet up and running, I just hope I get to familiarize myself with the myriad of settings! :(

Anyway, I don't know how often I'll be updating this blog but I suppose that since Zara and Bryan, my only friends in the world, will be heading to Sabah for a WHOLE FRIGGIN MONTH, I guess that spending some time here will give me something to do.

Also, I can't wait to finally get my diving license and put that sexy GoPro to good use. The course begins next week! I think it starts with some theory, where we also have to watch some old school diving videos (or so I heard), followed by some practical consisting of 4 pool and 4 ocean dives.

That being said, I better get to studying... The manual actually looks pretty thick and technical... I've always thought diving was just simply going underwater and having a swim about.

Here's a quick picture of the manual before I sign off:

open water manual
The colourful manual is pretty motivating.

Took me a while to figure out how to upload that photo...Oh well, baby steps count as long as you're moving forward I guess!